January 2025:
Happy New Year 2025 To Everyone!

Left: Perfect framed my motif from Folsom Europe by a dear customer from Amsterdam. Dank je wel! ;-)


Underneath: Wonderful reduced, greatful, small artworks by Juan Boilero! Where I'm totally fascinated from, which I did purchase at bookstore Löwenherz in Vienna. Self framed, one for me and one for a very good friend of mine as a gift. ;-))


It had need a little bit of time to found a place in my apartment, for this 4 small art works from my artist colleague Lars Deike, the founder of PrideArt in Berlin. Voilá!

September 11 – 22, 2024:
UNBOUND: just a question of lust

My exhibition at prideART e.V. @ TheKnast in Berlin ends successful! It was great to met "old" friends and colleagues after a very long time – I doesn't had been in Berlin for 13 years, since my man Frank died – and get to know new humans. The location, in the old womans prison Berlin-Lichterfelde is terrific!

Thanks to Henning von Berg, Gregory Teodori, Hendrik Schink, Stefan Lo Sciuto, Markus Hoffmann-Achenbach and all the others. A big thank you goes also to Dietmar and Errol, where I found a place to stay over the first week. For my second week, I did found a small hotel close to TheKnast. The prizes for a room at Folsom are horrible and it's hard to find a room for a stay. The hotel @ TheKnast will open 2025.

I'm sure I doesn't missed anything in Berlin – maybe I let a suitcase in Berlin?! ;-)

2024 September:
Folsom Europe Berlin 2024

Wednesday was the opening of the prideART exhibition @ TheKnast as part of Folsom Europe in Berlin.

A terrific point was also the concert "Classic meets Fetish" on Thursday September 12, at the Apostel church in Berlin-Schöneberg. I was be invited by a friend and found place next to Mr. LEATHER EUROPE 2024, Tom Keller. Another cute guy apply the book "Spielen am Rand" and had show my art ;-)

On Friday Dr. Thomas Tetzner did present his book "Spielen am Rand" @ BRUNOS. There are also was the founder of FOLSOM EUROPE Daniel Rüster. Many years ago, Daniel did had invite me at IML in Chicago to create the motifs for Folsom Europe from 2004 till 2011. Down left: Daniel Rüster; photo right: BRUNOS manager Steffe nand me.

June 2024:
A big interview @ Schwulissimo magazine

Viktor & Volker from Cologne had visit Vienna. After a very, very long time doesn't saw another, I did invite both for coffee &cake to my house. They taked photos and interview me for the monthly magazine "Schwulissimo", a german gay mag.


May 24 2024:
Bookpresentation "Spielen am Rand" (play on the border)

More than 200 guest had came to the literature house of Munich for the book presentation "Spielen am Rand – 60 years of life in the gay leather- and fetish-community. Those colorful extensive book with interviews, relevant words, show us the evolution in the german speaking area, of the gay fetish leather community from end of the 60s till now.

Among eight pages of a interview, shows twelfe pages of my"Gay Male Erotic Art". I'm proud to be a part of this project under many outstanding people.

This book you can order at your famous book store or in Vienna at Loewenherz. Buchhandlung Löwenherz

May 2024:
A friendly turn to LMC Estonia

For the friends from LMC Estonia I had create a motif, poster and flyer for a friendship meeting in Tallin.

Top of Europe Clubs are: SLM Stockholm, SLM Malmö, SLM Gothenburg, SLM Copenhagen, SLM Aarhus, MSC Finland and LMC Estonia.

April 15 2024:
Finissage of my exhibition @ Sub Munich

Very successful and eventful ednings of my exhibition as part of 50 year of MLC Munich Lion Club e.V. @ Sub, Muellerstraße 14, Munich.

Da der Initiator Dr. Thomas Tetzner und ich kurz vor der Ausstellungseröffnung mit Auberginen-Aufklebern vor den Schwänzen meiner gezeigten Kerle überrascht wurden, die auf Anordnung des Sub-Vorstandes an den Werken angebracht waren, hatten wir zur Finissage zu einer Geprächsrunde über Kunst & Zensur geladen. Zahreiche Gäste auch aus Kunst, Kultur und Politik waren erschienen und es kam zu interessanten Gesprächen.

With a big thankyou to Dr. Thomas Tetzner, the management of MLC Münchner Löwen Club e.V., and to Sub - Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.V.

The last houres of the Mr. Bavarian Leather Eddy, the two candidate for 2024/25, Hannes and Stephan, two guys from MLC management and the "prehistoric rock" of Munich and Berlin, "Lohengrin". After celebrating his 80th birthday!

Last movement. A very big thank you to Thomas and Hogrd for helping me!

March 13 2024 – April 15 2024:
Sepp of Vienna Gay Male Erotic Art

A exhibition on the occasion 50 years of MLC Münchner Löwen Club e.V. @ Sub, Müllerstraße 14, Munich. Limited Fine Art Edition, 25/25 on handmade paper, handsigned.

A warm welcome to my Vernissage on March 13 2024, 7.00pm.

With a big thank you to Dr. Thomas Tetzner, MLC Münchner Löwen Club e.V., Sub - Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.V.

Meet the men of Sepp of Vienna! I'm happy to see you, lots of friends, guys and art lovers ;-)

60 year of life into the gay leather and fetish community:
Spielen am Rand

This very important piece of time from the 60s till now, about the life in the German-speeking countries, is available in June 2024 and just in German. Sorry! Inside a interview and a presentation of my art!

Dieses farbig bebilderte, umfangreiche Buch stellt in 50 Interviews sowie einführenden Sachtexten die Entwicklung der schwulen Fetisch- und Leder-Szene, ab den 60er-Jahren bis heute, im deutschsprachigen Raum dar. Diese Publikation stellt Menschen vor und taucht tief in die Entwicklungen ein: Von den Anfängen über die Krise der HIV- und Aids-Ära bis zur heutigen Diversität veranschaulicht sie den Wandel der Szene in vielfältiger Weise.

Für dieses wichtige Zeitdokument wurde auch ich interviewt und es beinhaltet einen Auszug meines grafischen Schaffens für die Fetisch-Szene.

Das Buch erscheint im Juni 2024 anlässlich des 50-jährigen Jubiläums des MLC München.


Voilá it's time:
The Art & Work of Sepp of Vienna

that's the title of my exhibition. "Since my early childhood, drawing has been my biggest passion – except sex!" Milestones of 70 years I will show at Gallery SOLDO, 1040 Vienna, Mittersteig 1, from 2023 October 19 till November 11.

The exhibition was very successful with more than 100 people at the opening. Friends, companion, family ... a big thank you to all! For the purposes of "Wien in Schwarz" (Vienna in black) a group of leather & fetish guys visit me for coffee & cake.

Since January 2023:
Sighting my art!

Inspired by friends, I do to trawl through my voluminous work that's mostly are in maps. To think, select, to elect and take it in frame or let them frame it at Rahmenkabinett, close to my house. So there are now many of my works on the floor in front of several racks at my apartment and ready to show in public. And there is an idea! More about coming soon! ;-)

March 2022:
2020 – 2022!

Challenging times needs diversion in the meantime. So I had start 2020 my family chronicle before my heart operation. With the help of a close friend who found my ancestors till Thomas Englmayr from Kleinmutten aus dem Waldt,1698.

After I'm in that mood, I want to do also something that in my life had going on. Under the titel "MeilenSteine" (milestones) I show my artistic evolution in two albums.

MileStones: Sepp Engelmaier from drawings in the kindergarden to landscape drawings and photoart – engelmaier-graphic-art.at

MileStones: Sepp of Vienna from child drawings to Gay Erotic Art – sepp-of-vienna.at


After 10 years:
Sepp of Vienna Calendar 2022!

After 10 years I had made a new calendar for 2022, named "Beefy & Hairy" for how loves hunk, butch bears and cute, horny guys. Please note, just a limited edition!


August 2021:
Time Travel with Sepp of Vienna!

On the occasion of "50 years legalizing homosexuality in Austria" a film team visit me in April 2021 at my home for a interview. On August 17th the touching, emotional short movie has premiere on YouTube. To form an opinion about that. I would like to hear your opinion.


2021 June 1st:
Sepp of Vienna picks his Top 10 Gay Fetish Images!

"Sepp of Vienna is the very popular Austrian artist who is rapidly becomimg known as the 'New Tom of Finland' for his amazing gay fetish art. He has shown his art at Darklands Antwerp and so Paul Stag asked him to select 10 images in no particular order that he himself particulary likes or that have a special meaning to him which you can see below .... .... Definitely a nice gift for friends, masters, slaves, your favourite fetish journalist, Vladimir Putin or just yourself."

Please read the full article at Alphatribe.com

Thanks to Paul Stag from the Alphatribe by Darklands magazine ;-)


2020 August 9th:
Photo shooting @ home by Daniel Suy!

After to have an heart analysis made in July 2020 and before my open heart operation had start on August 18th: Photographer and friend Daniel Suy from Brussel had visit me in Vienna and taked this great pics from me at my house. More of his artworks you can see on his Facebook site. Thanks Daniel! ;-)


Your Daily Male Calendar 2020!

Daily one or more guys on your wall. A dream comes true! ;-) The Galerie MOOI MAN makes real and one whole week every day a new SEPP of VIENNA motif ;-) www.mooi-man.nl

Sep[p]tember 2019:
The 69 Fest!

Round 69 friends did had came for my "69 Fete!" to Hardon. After there are just 363 days till September 16th in 2020 ;-) Many thanks to the stuff around Steff, Clemens for the hot sound and Sigi for the charming lighting ;-)))

2019 JUNE 11 till JUNE 18:
AQA - Austrian Queer Art 2019!

I did had initiate an exhibition of queer artists as part of EuroPride Vienna 2019. AQA - Austrian Queer Art - "The Daily Life" - shown @ FETCH Gallery, Vienna 5, Schönbrunner Straße 68, corner Spengergasse. From June 11 till June 18 we had show works like paintings, graphic, sculpure, installation and video from following 10 artists: Yaser Alnazal, Jason Argonaut, Andreas Fischbacher, Johannes Frauenschuh, Patrick Li, Manfred Paar, Heidi Popovic, Sepp of Vienna, Walter Winter and Roland Zimmermann. It was a successful event. Round 500 visitors and great respons!

On sunday June 16th I had organize a "Life-Porn-Actor-Drawing-Session" with Akos Piros. The results was very interesting, after so many years that I doesn't figure drawing life.

Thanks to Tom and Joe from FETCH Store, our sponsors, especially to our club LMC Vienna!



JUNE 15th 2019:
Rainbowparade @ Euro Pride Vienna 2019!

A impressiv view in front of the Vienna State Opera House: Men of the LMC Vienna and there guests from around the world, with flags and banners, in front of the LMC Vienna-Truck. About 480.000 humans on the Wiener Ringstraße! Wow!

MAY 8th 2019:

On the occasion of TOM of FINLANDS birthday, I did had invite friends to celebrate it at Christans ROPP. Happy Birthday TOM! Lars had do sketches from some guest. Great!


FEBRURY 21st - 25th 2019:
Leather & Fetish Pride Belgium 2019!

Our Mr. Fetish Austria, Dries, he won the title of Mr. Rubber Europe. Congratulations! Also a big thank you and congratulations to Jeroen and his crew for this extraordinary weekend in Antwerp! Wow!

In Amsterdam I did had visit the new Flagship Store of Mr. B in the Prinsengracht.

The pic at my main intro site, show me with best buddy and porn star Akos Piros, was taken by Daniel Suy. Thanks!


OCTOBER 31st - NOVEMBER 4th 2018:
Vienna Fetish Week - Vienna in Black 2018!

I was back in time from a great trip in Morocco for our fetish weekend with lots of fun ;-)


2018 JUNE 16th:
Vienna Pride - Rainbowparade 2018!

After cool weather at the Pride Week, the Rainbowparade with around 200.000 people was a extraordinary statement on the Vienna Ring street.Photo left: With friends, Dietmar and Errol, in the background the University.

We are happy to see you all coming year in Vienna at Europride 2019!

OCTOBER 25th - NOVEMBER 1st 2017:
Vienna Fetish Week - Vienna in Black 2017!

A Fetish Market with Art presentation, Flea Market and some Performances, completed the full program. Highlight was the mixed Fetish Party at Fluc.

The Bar Ochsengarten in Munich he's 50!

Germanys oldest Leather- and Fetish-Bar will celebrate in 2017 he's 50 anniversary, and has like to invite to a special night on saturday October 14th, 2017. "Lohengrin", a "prehistoric rock" of the leather-and fetish-community in Europe, had held the honorific speech.

Lohengrin also was the man who persuaded me, to create the motif for this jubilee. My contribution will go to a social project in Munich. Thank you to Iwan of munich - master of the lens for the pics ;-)

June 2017:
Vienna Fetish Spring and 22nd Rainbowparade!

A real great public appearance of the LMC Vienna men at the Pride Parade in Vienna in 2017! 25 titelholders from all over Europe had follow the invitation to come to Vienna to celebrate with us. I'm proud of the guys how had work for this, what a handful friends and I had start in 1985.

This was:
The famous StrongBeerFest 2017 in Munich!

With the election to Mr. Bavarian Leather 2017.

The Mr. Bavarian Leather 2017election had start on Thursday, 2017 March 16th.

Manfred Herbst, picture left below, won the titel. Congratulation!

The traditional Sunday at the "Augustiner Bräu" was a big greet and meet. Later at the "Speichergewölbe", the cellar, there was real merrymaking! ;-)

It had made pleasant anticipation to the "Rosa Wies'n" on September 22nd 2017 and the "Frühschoppen-Party" at October 7th, at the Wiener Prater.

Left and below: Suri, the sweet Mr. Leather Hessen 2016, Werner Hall, Bavarian Mr. Leather 2016 and Gernot, Mr. Leather Fetish Austria.

This was:
Wien in Schwarz - Vienna in Black 2016 - a fulminant fest

Full Fetish Weekend from 28th of October till 1st of November 2016.


Well Cum

Saturday, October 29th and Sunday, October 30th 2016, each from 4 pm till 6 pm MEET&GREET by SEPP of VIENNA - Gay Male Erotic Art - I had presented my artwork in private ambiance.

Joe King, Mr. Leather Europe 2016, with one of his favorite motif of my art; Luis Solano, Mr. Leather Spain; Werner Hall, Bavarian Mr. Leather; our Mr. Fetish Austria, Gernot from Salzburg with his partner Wolfi and Thorsten Buhl, Mr. Fetish Austria 2015 and Mr. Leather Europe; Andreas Brunner, one of the curator from the exhibition "SEX in WIEN" at the WIEN MUSEUM and some friends where my guests.

Congratulation to the guys of LMC Vienna, who organized a great, hot and extraordinary fetish weekend! Especially the "perv!" night at "Fluc Club", which was sensational!


This was the:
Mr. International Leather 2016 Contest in Chicago

After 2002 my second visit at IML in Chicago. And International Mr. Leather 2016 is David "Tigger" Bailey from New Jersey. Look the photo below with the founder and Executive Producer Chuck Renslow.

Adjacent, Ran and me with "our" Mr. Leather Europe 2015 and Mr. Fetish Leather Austria 2015, and fourth runner up Thorsten Buhl from Graz, Austria.

Among: German Mr. Leather 2011, Peter from Berlin and Mr. International Leather 2011, Eric from Paris with me.

Among: Peter, Eric and the Israeli contestant with Ran.

Aside: Ran and me at the Fetish Market.

And Impressions from Chicago ;-)

That was it:
Antwerp Leatherpride 2016

On my booth with Ran and friends from MSC Belgium (Photo by Fleshblack Images). And real visual impact ;-)

Antwerp Leatherpride 2016

I'm happy to see you guys from February 17th till 22nd at Leatherpride Antwerp on my booth! Special gifts for friends, partner, lovers, guys, master, slaves, fetish-men, bears, boys, ... cards, poster or one of the strict limited graphic of the FineArtEdition.

2015 Year of Anniversary:
30 Year of LMC Vienna. 25th Vienna in Black. Mr. Leather Europe

This year the AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the ECMC (European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs) and the Mr. Leather Europe contest was hosted by LMC Vienna at the Vienna in Black festival. And the winner is: Thorsten Buhl for Austria. Thorsten, also Mr. Leather Fetish Austria. Candidate comes from Tschechia, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France (2nd runner up), Italy (1st runner up). Congratulation to Thorsten!

At the day of the election some title holder had visit me at my house, where I had show my GayMaleEroticArt, also landscape drawings and works of photos.19 hot men in my house! Wow! Thanks for visit me!

For the contestants I had sponsored three works of my GayMaleEroticArt.

Thank you boys, it was a great and wonderful event!

Lots of memories! 1993 I won the titel of "Mr. Tiberius Leather Man"! Real long, long time ago! ;-)

Anniversary year:
20 Years Rainbowparade 30 Years LMC Vienna

At the 20th Rainbowparade the LMC Vienna celebrate her 30th anniversary with a big truck on the Pride at the Vienna Ringstrasse.

From right to left: Charly, visitor from Berlin; our Mr. Leather Fetish Austria 2015, Thorsten from Graz; our "Vizekönigin", pardon president Christian; and the first, youngest, oldest "Honorary Member" of the club, 1985 founder member of the Leather & Motorbike Community Vienna ;-)

Thank you guys that you let live the club and the famous club location "Hardon"! Thanks for your commitment!

To reminisce:
Poster for the Deutsche Aids-Hilfe

"Hi, I saw your website via Daniel Dumont's new links, I Have a Sepp of Vienna poster and sets of postcards that were commissioned from teh Deutsche Aids Hilfe." Dick H.

Yes, it's a long long time ago as I designed this for the German Aids-Foundation. Thank you Dick and thank you Daniel ;-)

October 2014:
35 Anniversary of LFC Leather and Fetish Community!

For the umbrella organisation of the german speaking fetish clubs I had design this poster and a FineArt-Edition as a present. That was show at the meeting in Frankfurt, Germany.

March 2014:

Vienna's montly Butch & Bears Party! All who like beefy guys, bears, beards and furry chests, don't miss this clubbing. For first time with a motif of my art ;-)

Looks like that!

After renovation of my apartment, my works show real great on the gray wall. Isn't so? Yes, your home or playroom could looks like that ;-)))

July 2014:

Who likes real guys, muscles, hairy chests, tattoos, piercings and huge tackles, who would like this book from Bruno Gmuender. ;-)


Kevin Clarke:

An Unshaved History is this famose Book with 256 pages from Bruno Gmuender. ;-)


May 2014:
All New in May!

Not at all ;-) Sorry, dear visitors, long time I can't update my website, because a new computer, new systems software, new homepage program. I'm working on it ;-)

Mein schwules Auge10!

More than 80 artists and writer from all over the world you will find in this 10th anniversary edition of "Mein schwules Auge. The 10th gay yearbook of erotic from the editors Rinaldo Hopf and Axel Schock, published at Konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke.

2013 June:
XXX Man!

Porno, Cult and Fashion. Friday, 2013 06 14 Tiberius invites to a very special vernissage. Andreas Bitesnich, Manfred Paar, Matthias Hermann, Roland Zimmermann, Sam Scott Schiavo und Sepp of Vienna presents pices of there erotic works against hedonism and raunchy domination.
Under the VIP's there was also my best budy and porno actor Akos Piros.


2013 June:
Sepp of Vienna @ Rafi Perez Art Studio!

In Tel Aviv I had visit the israeli artist Rafi Perez. After many years that we are has linked our websites, now we did had met face by face.


2013 Mai:
Vienna Fetish Spring!

About his engagement for the fetish community, Patrick, Mr. (naked) Leather Austria 2012, became a very specially signed work of my art as a gift.

40 Years of ECMC!

After a two years break in my gay male erotic art, after the death of my man, I had create the motif for the ECMC - European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs - 40th anniversary (1974-2014). The poster motif was presented by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgenz at Easter Meeting in Berlin.


Best of Gay Erotic Art:

Now this is the fifth book including my art. Under 40th international artist you also can find eight pages with my drawings in this more than 320 site exclusive book from a american publishing house.

Capolavoro di Uomo - Masterpiece of Man Book


The LMC Vienna Story!

"1985 begann es und es war August, als sich ein paar Typen zu einem Motorradausflug zusammenfanden . . . " So beginnen meine Aufzeichnungen über die LMC Vienna - Leather & Motorbike Community, den Wiener Leder- und Fetisch-Verein, den ich mitbegründet und viele Jahre lang geleitet und begleitet habe und in dem ich noch immer ein aktives Mitglied bin.
Lies die ganze Story in der Leiste
So sorry, but this story is written just in German ;-(
Mein schwules Auge 8!

". . . Bekannte Autoren wie Fabian Kaden, Rosa von Praunheim, Peter Rehberg oder Mario Wirz stehen neben neuen Namen, gemeinsam ist ihnen, dass alle Texte Erstveröffentlichungen sind oder für Mein schwules Auge geschrieben wurden. Ähnlich bei den Illustrationen, die eigenständig neben den Texten stehen und manchmal einen interessanten inhaltlichen Gleichklang, dann aber auch wieder einen spannenden Gegensatz zu den nebenstehenden Texten darstellen. Auch hier ist die Liste der Namen illuster. Bruca LaBruce steht neben Anthony Gayton, “unser” Sepp of Vienna neben dem ebenfalls in Wien lebenden Neil Curtis, der mit seinen Körperbemalungen weit über die Szene hinaus bekannt ist. . . . "

Andreas Brunner on http://www.qwien.at/?p=1219

Mein schwules Auge 8 (My Gay Eye 8)
Publisher: Rinaldo Hopf (Pictures) & Axel Schock (Text)
konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke
ISBN: 978-3-88769-398-5
You can order at Buchhandlung Löwenherz
Folsom Europe 2011!

The fetish party in his 8th year and the 8th times with a motive from me. About I can be proud of that. This time on the 2nd weekend in September.
On the occasion of the Women Soccer World Cup in Berlin, two women represented in the sport dress.


For the "Wiener Runde", the Vienna Bear Club I had create this motif. Under the motto "VampBears" the 13th Vienna Bear Congresses was held from 2nd till 5th of June 2011.
The beary vampire are loos! Of course, instead of blood flow only in bears sweet honey ;-)

Big Love!

After the stunning success of the anthology "Hair" the Bruno Gmunder Verlag joins this year to coincide with several titles to the vindication of all those whose fetish hairy, beefy guys are.
For all the comic and art fans this is BIG LOVE of particular interest. Muscular and bearish are drawn and painted guys in this collection that brings together various artists in one volume. Whether interested in art or fan of hot comics: Here`s something for everyone there.
Including of course some of my work ;-)


2011 - the year was still young!

And for me, began a new phase of life. ;-)
I can now fully concentrate on my art.

At the very beginning was an interview held in our humble home and in the Austrian gay lifestyle magazine NAME IT, published February / March, appeared a five-page illustrated story in the series "gay living in Austria".

Folsom Europe 2010!

The organizer team of Folsom Europe wants a motif with men, women and the Brandenburger Tor of Berlin. After a look in the calendar of events in the city, I found the International Berlin Air Show – ILA – celebrating his 100 anniversary. So my idea was born for the new motif. A captain, security guy, flight attendant and a women with handicap and all in fetish.


Naked under the leatheroverall. Fast and randy to the point ;-)
A specially on this hunk!
You have the choice: orange, red, yellow or blue.


Motif number 56 you will find in gallery 1.

You need a short lesson?

Here the hanky codes:
Yellow – piss
Orange – all, make some
Red – fist
Blue – fuck
Gray – bondage
Black – SM
Brown – dirty
Green – pay or sell

Regulary every 4th Saturday in the month, my partner Frank and I had organized the “hard6” fetish party at the LMC Vienna Clublocation with the dresscodes: Leather, rubber, uniform + camouflage, motorcycle gear, skin-outfit, jock + boots or naked.
After more than 15 years I sayd "Take care – play safe!"
Sepp of Vienna in HAIR!

After the successful sold out book "Stripped" there comes a new one published by Bruno Gmünder in Germany. A special anthology for HAIR – hairy men, bears.
48 artists, photographers, painter, illustrater and drawer on 260 pages.
Also inside some works of myself.


And in Vienna at Löwenherz.

Sepp of Vienna in interview on ORF2!

The new Year starts with an interview by the Austrian Bradcasting Corporation ORF in my home. To seen on "Kulturmontag" on ORF2, Monday 12th of July 2010.



In 1999 the LMC Vienna (leather&motorbike community) was organizing the first ECMC BikeRun in Austria. This year the ECMC BikeRun would be held in Austria again. This international meeting for motobike drivers in the "European Conference of Motorcycle Clubs" would get around "the land of thousand hills" in Lower Austria, 100 km south of Vienna.

For the BikeRun 2010 I was creating this logo.

It was a successful meeting by good and sunny weather, after a long time with lots of rain. About 70 men from 11 countrys had enjoyed those days on bike and also at the great warm atmosphere around our house the Hotel Restaurant Czerwenka near Zöbern.

Tour 1 "Pannonian Impressions"
The first trip brought us through the Burgenland to Hungary into the socalled small hungarian lowlands. This region is known for its warm and sunny weather, many nice vineyards and an gorgeous panoramic view. We did had visit the castles "Forchtenstein" and "pallace Esterhazy", which is also known as the hungarian Versailles. The tour combines easy driving through partly smooth hills and on the other side many nice curves to drive.

Tour 2 "Kalkalpen - Mariazeller Land"
The trip had bring us to one of the most beautiful parts of Austria, not only for bikers. This part of the alps impresses with its mountains, deep woods, green valleys, great canyons and wild rivers. Following these small winding streets through the mountains, we had reach the "Kalte Kuchl", one of the favorite meeting points for bikers in eastern Austria. Next stop was in Mariazell, a famous destination for pilgramage in the middle of an impressive alpine lansdscape.

Tour 3 "Teichalm - Joglland"
The third tour was into a very beautiful landscape, where we reach the highest point with 1200m over sealevel on the "Teichalm" and followed the hills through the eastern part of Styria. Here you might want to try on of Styrias most popular products, the special oil made from pumpkin seed. On the way back, the tour passes by Vorau and its old baroque monastary, which gives an impression of the historical side of this region.

Time was running quick – also the beer in the biker bar!

Most of the people follow us to the Vienna Biker Weekend. More than 50 men enjoyed the Biker-Dinner with Schnitzel at Goldener Spiegel. After we had met at HARD ON.
After a City walk on Saturday around the center we had rented a bus to a Viennese Heurigen Zum Hexenhaus. And again party at HARD ON for a long, sweaty night into leather.

On Sunday after a tour in and around the city of Vienna we had a relaxed time at Kaiserbründl Sauna.


Welcome on the blue planet!

sepp of vienna men club. The club for all SEPP of VIENNA friends and fans, lover of men, hunks, bears, from leather, rubber, uniform and SM on GayRomeo.


"Yes We Can!" - we, a group of men in the LMC Vienna, taked this slogan at the LifeBall on the LMC Vienna Bar. After ten years the [lo:sch] in the Fünfhausgasse is history. So we was looking for a new club location. And - yes we had found one!
And we found a very good "new place to play!" On Whitsun the alteration has starts.
The name is "HARD ON" and the opening was 2009 July 24th. A new style of fetish club.

HARD ON, 1050 Wien, Hamburgerstrasse 4

All events, please see on the LMC Vienna homepage.

Folsom Europe Berlin 2009 – it was great!

The 6th edition of the biggest fetish event in Berlin.

On the occasion of 2009 World Championships in Athletics, you see in the background of the new FolsomEurope-motif the Olympic Stadion from Berlin. And the people dressed in sport fetish gear.
Motif 52 FolsomEuropeBerlin 2009, please see in Gallery 1.

At left you see my "big little" helper on my booth. Roy. Thank you so much!

Sorry guys, but Frank was to busy in his job!

Down, the crew from Mister B Berlin with Pornomodel from Folsom Leather.

For me some men putted out his shirt – some just for photos ;-)

850 Euros for Aids-Hilfe Stuttgart

On a special public auction at the Bear-weekend in Stuttgart from September 24th to 27th, during the 5. BULK-NIGHT in LAURAS Club & Café a signed special print on a 2 x 2 meter banner was sold in favour of AIDS-Hilfe Stuttgart e.V.


Stonewall in Vienna 1969-2009

A chronology about the gay-lesbian-and-transgander emanzipation.
A projekt from Grünen Andersrum with QWien and queer Lounge. 23 interviews mith 25 contemporary witness, including me. You can read about but just in German in the magazine "Stonewall in Wien" and in the autum you can see a 2-hour movie. Also you can watch on www.youtube.com/stonewallinwien.
You can order the magazine "Stonewall in Wien" by andersrum.wien@gruene.at or

Moment - Leben - Heute

End of July the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) take an interview with me about "Männer und Homosexualität" (Men and homosexuality). On air in August 5th, 5:09pm on Ö1.

Queer against right!

At the Regenbogenparade, the CSD 2009 in Vienna, I was invited to the activist group "qwir gegen rechts" (queer against right) to be part of a campaign for gays and lesbians who vote for right wing parties.

Motif 54 you will find in gallery 1
2009 Easter in Brussels

Frank and I drove to Amsterdam in our old Saab to bring back the pictures from my exhibition "Passion" from Mister B.
Over the Easter Holidays and because it was on the way we decided to stay in Brussels with a friend and for "La Demence".
But Frank had health problems and so he had a small operation in the hospital Saint Pierre. After the operation he spent the night in the hotel. Our friend and I had a drink at the bar "Le Loft". On the way to the "Duquesnoy" we were attacked and injured by five Northwestafrikans, probably Maroccans. In the hospital Saint Pierre we had to wait more than one hour for first aid! After four hours we came back in our hotel. At a police station in Brussels we had make a report about the attack.
Our friend, a Syrien with German nationality living in the Netherlands wanted to go back home on the next day. An Austrian Ambulance Crew brought us, Frank and me, back to Vienna.

Interview with SEPP on TIMM.

A surprise home visit from the German Gay TV Channel! Have a look at:

It was hot, it was horny - but it was!

November 2008. Over more than 10 years long, each 4th Saturday in the month, my partner Frank and I had organized the “hard6” fetish party at the former LMC Vienna Clublocation [lo:sch]. The location [lo:sch] is closed.

Could it be love

Yes, it could be love. To give and to take.
After I finished this work I create this titel. And I like him.
I assaembled my drawing with a foto that I shot 2007 in Barcelona.

Motif 51 Could it be love

This drawing was inspired by BVSM e.V. Berlin.

The Scent of Intimacy!

is the subtitle from my motif 49 "Cabin No.5" - a play on words recalling a very different smelling brand ;-)
In this piece of art for the first time I assembled a drawing and a foto. In the background you can see a foto of a public toilet, that I shot in Nuremberg Germany years ago.
49 "Cabin No.5" please see also on Gallery 1

"Passion!" Exhibition at Mister B Amsterdam

"Passion" was the perfect title for my exhibitions in the shops of Mister B in 2008. My passion, for drawing, men, leather and SM. You can see it in my works. Men, real hunks, bears, muscles, hair, hard and horny - that's how a man wants his favourite guy. They are real and hot - unfortunatly only on paper.

After Berlin the show was going to Mister B Amsterdam. The Leatherpride 2008 was the perfect time to present my works and ends in April 2009.

Folsom Europe Berlin 2008!

It was great and wonderful to saw somebody on my booth at the Fetish-streetfair in September.
I´m happy to have bee there!
During the exhibition at Mister B in Berlin, you had could buy a limited edition of the "5-years-anniversary-motif" in favour of the support projects of Folsom Europe.


In August 2008 a french fan has taken a exhibition with my works on SecondLife.

The complete bear interview!

In July 2008 I had a Interview on:
Where you get my art?

Amsterdam: Mister B, Warmoestraat 89 www.misterb.com
Berlin: Mister B, Motzstrasse 22 www.misterb.com
Budapest: MenShop kft www.gaydvd.hu
Gran Canaria, Playa del Ingles: UndergroundShop www.undergroundshopgc.com
Hamburg: Clemens, Clemens-Schultz-Strasse 77 www.clemenshh.de
London: RoB London, 24 Wells Street www.rob.eu
London: DV8, 50 Old Compton Street, Soho www.dv8soho.com
Munich: Spexter, Müllerstrasse www.spexter.com
Paris: RoB Paris @ Zone02, 8 square Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie www.menstore.com
Vienna: BlackOrange, Hermannasse 7 www.blackorange.at
Vienna: Löwenherz, Wasagasse www.loewenherz.at
Vienna: Spartacus, Mariahilferstrasse www.spartacus.at
Zurich: Ministry of Kink, www.ministryofkink.com

A FFantasy!

Motif 48 is entitled "RubberFist" - it is available as FineArt-Edition limited to 25 prints for € 245.00, as handsigned poster for only € 19.00 and as card for € 3.90.

Send me an email. You can pay with Visa or Mastercard - it's so easy to decorate your room - or make friends happy!

Folsom Europe Berlin 2007!

For the fourth edition of this extremely hot event I created these young fetish guys. Once again it was a fantastic and fantasy stimulating street-fair with tons of hot men. A lot of very, very goodlooking guys showed interest in my booths whose backside I decorated with a hugh print of a collection of my men. It looked fabulous.

As a special for FolsomEurope I printed an exclusive T-shirt. On a gray 100% Cotton T-shirt there are two embroidery silk stripes with the colours from the leatherpride and rainbow-flag. Please find more on my Shop-site.

Of course the official FolsomEurope07 image with the two guys is also available as a limited FineArt-Edition, poster and greeting card. More information in Gallery 1 and on the Shop-site.



Yes, my first book. My work is included amongst 55 international artists of gay erotic art coming from Europe, the US, Australia to Japan, in this 352 page hugely book. I am very proud that, together with Xavier Gisquel of France, I am personally mentioned in the book cover notes written by Mr. Durk Dehner, President and cofounder of the Tom of Finland Foundation.

The book has been published by Bruno Gmünder in Germany.

The book is also available in Vienna at Löwenherz.
Bears in the City!

Sepp in the City & Bears at Bears & 3 Bears in the fountain! - the last one being the titel of my new motif, which I had introduced 2006 November 25th at TSM Media in Cologne.

It´s my pleasure to met the "Bear-Editor" Tom, Stefan and their crew also the artists Guy Thomas and Bearfighter. Many thanks to VVG-Cologne for the fotos!

Sorry guys, but a slippery disk hurts my back and makes me out from the partys - but, next time, next chance. I hope so!
"The Gray Rope!" for LA&M

During the "year of bondage" and on the occasion of FolsomEurope 2006 in Berlin, SEPP of VIENNA presented his artwork "The GrayRope" to Matthias Peuser, the European Regional Coordinator for the Chicago based Leather Archives & Museum.

The ceremony was a quite event and was held in front of the postcard collection of SEPP of VIENNA at the Mister B store at the Motzstrasse 22 in Berlin.

Folsom Europe Berlin 2006!

For the third "straight" time a super event. More than 20.000 fetish lovers joined the event. It was great to see so many familiar faces and meet new ones. Berlin was once again the center of the fetish world

The FolsomEurope06 motif is available as FineArt-Edition, poster and greeting card. See Gallery 1.

20 Years LMC Vienna!

As one of the founding fathers of the Vienna Leather & Motorbike community, I designed the oval LMC Vienna-logo in 1987 featuring a guy in harness sitting down.

For the 20th anniversary in 2005 I have created an expanded variety. See gallery 1 and gallery 3.


For the fetish store Spartacus in Vienna I created this logo, featuring a well-endowed slave driver called Spartacus.

On the ground floor there´s the Sexworld XXL Cinema and on the basement level you will find my cards and posters in the Spartacus XXL Gay- & Fetish-Store.

Spartacus XXL Gay- & Fetish-Store, Vienna 6, Mariahilferstraße 49

A $ 700.00 S´X PACK!

This motive was created for a benefit auction for the New York City Gay Men’s Chorus. A very special version of this image was acquired during a special public auction on 06th November 2005 in New York City. It sold for around US$ 700.00! More details are available at

During a special photo session for “Porn Again”, Bernhard Starkel (Vienna) took pictures of (left to right) Frank (my partner, born in Dresden), Andreas (Switzerland) und Gezà (Austrian with Hungarian roots). A good European mix!
My thoughts for this image was as follows: “Three actors during a porno-shoot, therefore I added three more actors – this resulted in a six pack. The yellow ribbon “Don’t cross” was inspired by US cop shows and means “Caution”, “Do not disturb”...something is happening, or has already; therefore the idea of a "crime" scene, which can once again be interpreted differently. A nice game? A dangerous Game? A safe game?

"Dear Sepp - Please find the official Thank You from Porn Again - and your fabulous donation of the art piece. It sold for around $700! It enhanced the event in multiple ways!"


I want to thank all my customers for giving me their trust and allowing me the freedom in creating these motives.


Left image: Sepp in front of examples of his work.
By the way! My FineArt-Editions are produced in the same elaborate printing process as the original museum prints of the Albertina Museum in Vienna or any other famous museum in the world!

Your feedback!

Of course I look forward to receiving your reactions, replies, comments and opinions...

What else can I report? A request to read the “Bear Magazine” and not just to brows through and jerk off watching the hot guys. And of cause there is also the opportunity to meet Frank and me personally at our own event at the [lo:sch] club. Meet, chat and if it works . . . maybe ;-)

Bear back!

At irregular intervals I had continue to produce the event for bears and their friends, entitled "BearCave" at the LMC Vienna Clublocation in Vienna.

Folsom Europe 2005!

Folsom Europe held in Berlin for the 2nd time during the 1st September weekend was the highlight for many fetish-guys from all around the world. Once again I arrived with tons of luggage but this time my strong husband came along to help.

On Thursday we simply enjoyed the city. Friday the streets of Schöneberg were filled with men in full leather gear, guys in uniform, most in camouflage and tank top, showing their muscles and tattoos; men signalling the full gambit of the hanky code, mainly red but also yellow. After a quick dinner we met a group of guys that assembled in Motz-street in front of “Mister B” for the new opening. A black luxury bus then chauffeured all the guys to the Kit-Kat club for the first party of the night. “Perverts” – this time on the top floor, allowing access to the rooftop, letting your wild urges loose under the open sky. Around 4am we made our way home, having to get up early ….. that same day.

Later that morning we had a full breakfast and went off to set up our booth at the street party. More and more fetish guys started gallivanting up and down the street, a DJ provided a cool background sound and the vendors had lots to do – a great ambiance wherever you looked. At 10pm we had to take down the booth. Everything stowed away, a quick trip home, a bite to eat, half an hour relaxing, getting dressed and off to the next party. “Project pig” was organized by RoB and Recon and held at the Schultheiss-Brewery – a super hot location, super hot music, super hot guys, super hot atmosphere – super hot party! Totally exhausted we left the party at 6am.

After a big breakfast I had to take care of some unfinished business while my husband spent a beautifully warm and sunny Sunday afternoon at the Wannsee (local lake) with our host. We only met up early evening at Mario’s Bar, after spending some time with friends at the Prinzknecht bar. After dinner we did some bar hopping, first Prinzknecht which became very crowded. We didn’t feel dressed appropriately to go to Mutschmann’s yet and first hit the Scheune bar. It was extremely crowded and the only bartender onsite had his job cut out for him, the place was hot and sticky. After my first drink I was ready to explore the place more. I wanted to know if the basement was equally hot ;-)

With a load taken off (my shoulders) and highly satisfied we went home and the next day went back to Vienna.

Above from right to left: Yoschi - German Mr. Leather 2005, my man Frank, Thomas - Mr. Fetish Switzerland and I.

Middle: My Boy Frank between Frank - Mr. International Rubber 2005 and Roberto - Mr. Leather Europe 2004.

Under it: Klaus - International Mr. Bear and I.

Thanks to Patrick for the pictures:

On the note of voilà, “Voilà!” is the name I gave this custom design for the ASMF Paris, for their 30th anniversary of the French leather club held in June 2005. Paris was really wonderful!

During the weekend I had a small presentation of my work at RoB Paris – Zone 02 hardshop.

"gepekeld en ongezouten!"

"pickled and unsalted" - my exhibition ended on January 27th, 2005. It was my pleasure to work with the team from Mister B in Amsterdam. Also many thanks to our friends in Amsterdam for their warm hospitality.


In October 2003 I successfully finished my Hamburg exhibition called "mannen". Many thanks to the crew of Boutique Bizarre, all the people that mad this all come true (hallo Thomas, hallo Rolf), the new owners of my artwork and last but not least Frank ;-)


My exhibition "Lekker!" (tasty) at Mister B in Amsterdam closed on January 21, 2003. I want to tell you about one special thing that happened: My painting "Take Care - Play Safe!", which I created in a special large-format print of 93x130cm, sold at a benefit auction during Take-Care-Week Euro 1.500.-! A great amount. I would hereby like to thank the buyer and of course Wim and his great team at Mister B, for their wonderful cooperation.